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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Margot Hall, the minutes of November 13, 2012 were approved by the Board.  Seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously accepted.
Upon motion of James Juliano, the Building Administrators Report was unanimously accepted by the Board.
Correspondence: NA
Building Administrator’s Report: Mr. Mahoney presented that ‘Kid Catcher ‘is opening this Friday night, January 11, and all members of the Board have been invited to attend the show. The Radio Flag Pole Show is conducting their first radio show on February 9th. Newtown United is going to have a press conference at the Edmond Town Hall on January 14th marking the month anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. Also, possibly on Monday night Anderson Cooper might be doing a live broadcast from the Town Hall. Ingersoll Auto in Danbury made arrangements with Mr. Mahoney to sponsor a free movie night during the 7:00 show on every second Saturday of the month for an entire year. This coming Sunday, Newtown Friends of Music and WMNR are holding a benefit concert and will have a live broadcast. The benefit concert is free to attend but if anyone would like to make a donation the proceeds will go to the Sandy Hook Fund. On Friday, January 18, Lucinda Rowe is going to hold a benefit concert as well which proceeds will also go towards the Sandy Hook Fund. The Kids Carnival coordinated by the West Haven Police Department was held this past weekend in the gym, and was also a toy giveaway which was very successful. Mr. Mahoney spoke with the Jackie Hogan Associates from Norwalk they expressed sympathy toward to community, and would contact us next week regarding the sound system for the theater.  Mr. Long discussed that for future meetings if Mr. Mahoney could provide the present financial reports as to where the Board stands each month that way they can be reviewed and discussed among the Board. Mr. Long explained that at the previous meeting it was agreed upon and determined that the Board would vote as a whole as to whether or not to accept the building managers financial report each month. Ms. Hall also discussed that once the new fiscal year starts for 2013-14, that the financial reports need a new presentation in order to better keep track of what funds are available for each account and where that money is being allocated. It was also discussed to speak with a third vendor regarding a computer back up system and phone services.
Upon motion of James Juliano, the Building Administrators Report was unanimously accepted by the Board.
Tom long did not agree with the motion to accept the Building Administrator’s Report until the November financial report is reviewed and accepted.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano reported that he spoke with CL&P regarding energy savings for the building. The company is going to send out an inspector to walk the building and discuss the options to save energy. Mr. Juliano also discussed that the gymnasium floor needs to be redone by restriping and finishing due to the poor condition.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Marie Smith reported on the bills. On the monthly summary sheet there are discrepancies showing bills with a negative balance because they have been paid already. Also, missing on the sheet is the $20 monthly bill for Avalon because it is an electronic payment which needs to be added to the summary sheet. Department of Revenue Services is the state sales tax which actually belongs under theater. Associated Refuse & TransCanada are not listed on the monthly report as bills were not received this month for those accounts. Mr. Long pointed out it seemed as though the theater has more expenses listed for this month but it is due to prior balances from other movie production companies. Also, the Town of Newtown listed on the monthly summary report is the payroll. The Building bills totaled $21,541.12 and the Theater bills totaled $9,945.42 for a total of $31,466.54.
Action on payment of bills: Margot Hall motioned to accept approval of paying the current monthly bills totaling $31,466.54. Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Sound & Power Updates for Theater-
Mary Fellows presented the acoustical analysis from the original completion presented to the Mary Hawley Society. Also, presented the original invoice for the work needed to be done and if the Board accepts the project it requires a deposit of $26,000 and then the remaining balance to be paid at the completion of the project. Mr. Mahoney has one other company that would like to come in by the end of the month to submit a quote. The Board is very eager to move forward with the project and would like to hold a special meeting later this month to vote on the project.
Cont. Renovations of theater: Stage curtains & gold leaf painting-
Ms. Fellows explained that the last two elements that need to be completed in the theater are the leafing detail and the stage curtain. The leafing detail is a cost of $10,000 and the new stage curtain is a cost of $6,000. The bathroom in the upstairs theater needs to have tiles replaced on the bathroom wall because they are either missing or falling off.
Ratification of 2013/14 Budget-
Upon motion of Margot Hall, the Board approved moving $10,000 as presented to the Town.  Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously accepted.
New Business:
Discuss & approve advertising in upcoming Newtown Bee Bridal Supplement-
The Board discussed placing a half page ad in the Newtown Bee Bridal Supplement for $350. It was also suggested that the Board change the picture and place a picture of the building in the spring instead of winter. Mary Fellows also mentioned placing an ad in Connecticut Magazine as well. Mary was advised to look into the pricing detail in order for further action by the Board.
Upon motion of Margot Hall, the Board approved placing a half page ad in the Newtown Bee Bridal Supplement.  Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously accepted.
Comments: Tom Long was curious as to if the Mary Hawley Society possesses a letter regarding the non-profit status for fundraising for the various projects. Ms. Hall also praised and thanked the Edmond Town Hall staff for their dedicated work during the Sandy Hook Tragedy.
Executive Session: Upon motion of Margot Hall and seconded by Marie Smith, executive session was entered at 8:42pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters, and discussion of restructuring, job descriptions/assignments. At this time the clerk left the meeting.
Mindy Kovack, Clerk
Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers

                                Minutes Executive Session
                                        January 8, 2013

Motion made by Mary Fellows and seconded by Tom Long to go into Executive Session.  Motion unanimously approved at 8:45 P.M.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Tom Long, Margot Hall

ABSENT: Karen Pierce

The Board discussed tenant matters.  The Board members briefly discussed the lease document forwarded by the Board’s attorney, Mark Korotash.  The job descriptions and job assignments wereE discussed.

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Tom Long to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:30 P.M.

The Board did not take any action with regard to the topics discussed.

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Mary Fellows to adjourn this meeting at 9:30 P.M.   Motion unanimously passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot S. Hall, Vice Chairman